Home Electronics Laptops Looking For the Best Wireless Headphones Under 15000?

Looking For the Best Wireless Headphones Under 15000?

Looking For the Best Wireless Headphones Under 15000?

Best Wireless Headphones Under 15000

The best wireless headphones under 15000 INR are so hard to come by these days. It used to be that wireless headphones were the be all and end all for listening to music and videos. But technology has advanced tremendously in the past decade and even more so in the last few months. So now there are many options available to you for headphones, and it isn’t just about what you plug them into. Many accessories can help make your in-ear hearing aids or ear buds even better.

As a whole, there are five different types of best wireless headphones under 15000 INR in India that you can buy based on your preference. The prices vary depending on the brand and the quality. Here are the five best ones:

M50x – The M50x Wireless Headphones come from Bose and they are one of their most popular pairs. These are known for having very good sound quality, especially for a wireless set. The M50x is able to produce a true, surround sound effect in your headphones. Some reviews even stated that you can feel the bass in your favorite music or movies.

Best Wireless Headphones Under 15000

RSVP edition – One thing we can all agree on with this headphone is its price. While a lot of people don’t mind paying a bit more for a good set of headphones, there are others who wishlist removed the battery backup option from their devices. If you wish to remove the battery backup option from your devices, and you’re looking at under a 15000 price tag, then you can find these in a few stores in India. Other brands offer similar battery backup sets but with lower prices. If you’re a lover of music, then this battery backup option will be very useful to you.

RSVP edition – Most modern smartphones have built-in FM radio receivers and that feature only works with the Sony Ericsson XPERIA series of wireless headphones. To add some spice to this feature, Sony has also designed a special feature known as ‘sonic resonance’ on their receivers. This feature works by utilizing the regular noise of a radio to help enhance the bass. We say this feature works because of the superior noise-canceling ability of digital technology.

Bose sound-sport series – Sony has also designed a few different Bose sound-sport series of wireless headphone. The first is the standard in-ear model, which you can easily wear around your ear and can also block out background noise. Another model is the passive noise-canceling headphone, which is great for people that are always around loud noise. It works with a pair of balanced speakers and a battery.

HUBA powered in-ear model – With a super-sleek design, the HUBA powered in-ear model of wireless headphones have all the features that you would want in such a high-end headphone. They use advanced technology called Active Noise Canceling (ANI). What this does is to cancel out most of the noise that your ears will normally pick up, due to prolonged exposure to any sort of music or ambient sounds. These headphones come with a five-year warranty and use Class A (cordial) ear cups.

For people who want to enjoy premium audio quality from beginning to end, but do not want to spend too much, the Bose QuietComfort 3.5 Wireless Headphones would be the best option. Bose offers two variants of these headphones: One is passive and the other is with an advanced, active noise cancellation technology. It has been found that most people who use these headphones tend to find that they produce better sound than those using the passive ones. The high-end noise-canceling feature comes as a standard with all the models produced by this brand.

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